
“”How to recognize uniqueness?”

Vitae Selection was born from this question, from the difficulty for a consumer to distinguish and find – among the many Italian local products – those that really deserve special attention.


Our tasters and sommeliers travel around Italy in search of products to be tested, analyzed and selected on the basis of strict judgment parameters. Only the best wines and the best recipes can become VITAE thanks to an agreement and a partnership of absolute transparency with small producers. Our goal is to present and enhance the product on the international market. This is why we consider ourselves guarantors of the highest excellence.

Are you a winery or a niche producer in the food&wine world?
At Cubulteriae Vitae we constantly select only the best Italian wines and local specialties. We enter into confidential commercial agreements within a global project of mutual satisfaction.
Fill out the following form to be contacted and create a partnership with us!

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    Le coordinate di un lungo viaggio.

    In the obsessive search for original products: high quality, hard to find, unique.
    To enhance our wine and food excellencies, in Italy and abroad.
    To grow together with small businesses with a global project.
    Bringing even the most traditional companies to take advantage of the potential of the web.
    Guaranteeing the authenticity of the proposals and the control over the entire supply chain.
    In a very clear relationship with partners and consumers.